The Violet Consuming Flame
The conscious use of the Violet Consuming Flame is the Only Means by which any human being can free himself from his own human discord and imperfection.
Aside from the Ascended Masters' Explanation of what and where the "Mighty I AM Presence" is, the Greatest Possible Assistance and Blessing to mankind on this Earth, is the Ascended Masters' Instruction concerning the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame.
Through Its Use, They have dissolved all discordant creation of Their past lives and become Ascended Beings of Perfection which They are today. Every human being must do the same thing sometime, somewhere, before he is Free from his own human creation-past and present.
The Student or Individual should understand, that the actual Focusing, Projecting, and Sustaining of the Violet Consusming Flame, is done by his own "Mighty I AM Presence," for It is God's Flame of Pure Divine Love; but the part the student or individual must do, is to call his "Presence" into Dynamic Action, to produce It, and then visualize the Flame. This means to hold the mental picture of It passing through his mind, body and aura-from his feet up, through and around his body-cleansing them of all imperfection.
Thus, he can dissolve and purify all unnecessary discordantly qualified substance and energy, which he has used in all lives. This lets the Pure Energy, Light, and perfection from his "Mighty I AM Presence" pour out Its Fullness to and through him without interference.
Individuals have not the slightest concept of what they have created through their thought, feeling, and spoken words, even in their present lives-let alone all the hundreds and possibly thousands of embodiments they have lived through previously.Nevertheless, all the substance and energy which they have used was given to them Pure and Perfect beginning, for the purpose of creating and expanding Perfection on this earth.
Through discordant thought, feeling, and spoken word, humanity has created forms made of substance, energized by feeling, and projected into the atmosphere about them. Most of these are too hideous and unpleasant to put the description into words. There is no human being who has not done this to some extent, in all lives past and present. All have felt discord and sent it forth in thought, felling, and spoken word-most people a great deal more than they are willing to admit.
Nevertheless, the Law is the Law!Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. All are creating vibrations and form, through the individual's consciousness every instant. The Law acts whether the individual be ignorant or wise and no one ever escapes.
It is through the Great Infinite Divine Love and Compassion of the Ascended masters, that the great mercy of the "Mighty I AM Presence" acts. The Instruction in the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame is the most merciful service any being could render to humanity.
Through the individual's own God conscious effort in using this Flame of Divine Love, he never has to face his distorted creation, if he will use the Violet Consuming Flame with intense, steady determination. Thus he can reach up into the Ascended Masters' Octave of Life, and begin to draw forth more and more of Their Perfection,until he manifests the Completeness of Their Mastery- the Attainment of his Ascension.
This is the grace which Beloved Jesus taught and the only Way- in Heaven or Earth-by which any individual attains the Sate of the Ascended master, and becomes Free from all the limitations and inharmony on Earth.
The Great Eternal Law is that every individual must purify his own creation by his own conscious application, and use of the Violet Consuming Flame. It is not possible for anyone else to do it for him. since he created his imperfections and limitations, so must he uncreate and purify them, until all in his being and world manifests perfection. Then he is Free!
The effect in the mind, body, being and world of the individual who uses the Violet Consuming Flame, is to purify all the substance and energy in all his bodies-mental, emotional, and physical. It quiets the whirls of vibratory action in the emotional body, dissolves the impurities in the flesh, and consumes the wrong thought patterns in the mental body. In this way, he establishes habits of constructive thinking, feeling, and speaking.
The Violet Consuming Flame increases the vibratory action of both the mind and the body; so the Currents of Light and Energy from the "Presence" flow through in Perfect Balance, bringing ease in the feelings, which is absolutely imperative if health is to manifest and be maintained in the body.
The Violet Consuming Flame is a Raising, Transforming, Purifying, Vivifying activity of Pure Divine Love from the Heart of God-the Great Central Sun, which is the "Mighty I AM Presence" of Infinity.
As heat melts wax until it drops away by its own weight, as the heat increases-the wax ignites -being consumed by the fire; so does the Violet Consuming Flame melt away the impure substance in the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the individual who visualizes Its pouring through him and his aura, for a distance of about three feet in every direction.
The Action that really takes place in the use of the Violet Consuming Flame is that it increases the vibratory action of the substance in the three bodies to a rate in which no discord nor imperfection can exist; for these conditions can only exist in the lower rates of vibration.
In the use of the Violet Consuming Flame, which is Cleansing, Harmonizing, Uplifting, and Illumining Activity of the Sacred Fire-the Divine Love of the "Mighty I AM Presence," the individual has the ascended Masters Power to set everything in his being and world into Divine Order, harmoniously and permanently.
it but requires firm, alert attention, and an unyielding determination to have the same Great freedom which Beloved Jesus revealed to mankind; and which He and all other Ascended Masters are expressing and living today.
All individuals in doing this, should realize that the Violet Consuming Flame is the Actual Energy and Substance of Divine Love from out the Great Central Sun, which each one's own "Mighty I AM Presence" draws into a concentrated Focus as a Flame and blazes through the bodies and aura of the personality to set every thing into Divine order; so the Perfection of the "Presence," can express through the mind and body and out into the world of the individual.
It is utterly impossible for God's Love, Energy, and Substance from the Great Central Sun to have any effect whatsoever in anyone's mind, body, or affairs, except to produce Ease, Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Illumination, and Perfection. It is eternally impossible for It to create anything unlike Itself.
Remember that fear and doubt are the two robbers of humanity's happiness. Use the Violet Consuming Flame, Precious Ones of the Light, and annihilate once and for all Eternity, everything in human consciousness that attempt to limit or dominate you longer by the suggestion of fear or doubt. Freedom from musty old human concepts is yours by the use of the Violet Consuming Flame. freedom from the karmic accumulation of centuries and old race beliefs of ages is yours, if you will but apply the Ascended Masters' Instruction, and use the Violet Consuming Flame to clear away all that disturbs or limits you.
The Violet Consuming Flame is what Beloved Jesus referred to when He said: "Moses brought Law but I bring Grace." Grace means the bringing of all into Divine Order through Divine Love; and this is done by the use of the Violet Consuming Flame-the Only Way in Heaven or Earth it ever was or ever will be done, because that is the Way the Great Divine Law maintains order permanently and harmoniously.
This is the Knowledge of the Sacred Fire, which has been coexistent with mankind on this Earth from the beginning. It is the Purifying Activity that the "Mighty I AM Presence" provides, by which the outer activity of the human personality may again be made to express the Divine Way of Life.
Use! Use! Use! the Violet Consuming Flame around your mind,body, home office and world-in all your affairs; and your Blessings will transcend your fondest dreams.
Call your "Mighty I AM Presence" into Action, to release the Ascended Master Focus and Outpouring of the Violet Consuming Flame in through all you do to keep its action Self-sustained,in such a Mighty Onrush of Perfection, that naught can withstand Its irresistible presence and power.
Feel yourselves always surrounded by a Great Pillar of Violet Consuming Flame, the shade of the violet neon signs, with the Flame flowing from the feet upward through the body to the top of the head, and up into your own "Mighty I AM Presence." Do this with great intensity at least fifteen minutes three times a day. In a few weeks or months, you will feel such freedom and ease in your bodies, such clearness in your minds, and such Victory in your affairs that you will no longer wish to do anything but continue Its use.
If you wish an intensified action of the Divine Compassion and Peace, make the center of your Great Pillar of Violet Flame, a delicate shade of pink.
Realize deeply in your feelings, that your power to visualize is the "Presence" Power of Sight, which is used to make the picture; and call the :Presence" into action to keep It forever self-sustained. It is the "Presence" who projects the Flame, and the "Presence" always answers ever call instantly!